Smallville Season 10 Review
I have just finished watching season ten of smallville, a lot has happened this season and during this final build up we get to reflect on all the good and bad things that have happened to clark over the years that have made him the man he will become.
Lois saves clark and learns of his powers, she pulls the dagger from his chest and he recovers. Little does clark know that when the portal was open and evil came to earth called darksied. All the Kandorians are gone to the new dimension.
This season sees several losses of characters and the rebirth of some old ones that have been lost. Tess is killed in the end which is a shame as she was a good character, but to explain her not existing in the superman world, she had to be written out of the timeline, Chloe leaves with Ollie to start a new life in star city, it is sad to see clarks dearest friend slip out of his life.
Chloe was not in many episodes in this season which was a shame was she had always been a backbone to the show. Her character has become a lot more grim over the seasons, gone is the wide smiling, bubby young woman we knew from season one, she has suffered losses down through the years and it has taken its toll on her. But it is good to see that in the future while Clark is busy with lois saving the world, Chloe and Ollie are together and have a son.
In a mirror verse we get to see what clark could have become if he didn’t have the guidance and support of the kents growing up. In this mirror verse clark gets to meet Jonathan kent. The mirror verse Lionel travels to clarks world and takes over luthorcorp, the real lex was killed but Lionel, unlike the Lionel we got to know and how protected Clark, the evil Lionel uses the clones to piece together a perfect lex, before he kills tess, she uses a toxin that wipes his memory and this ties into the superman world we know in which lex does not know who superman/kal el/clark is.
Kara comes back for one episode but is told by Jor El that Clark’s journey is his destiny alone and Kara had a different path, she uses a legion ring and travels to the future.
It was sad to see hawk man die but somewhat comforting to know that he would someday return and find his soul mate once more.
The main villain this season Darksied and the influence is touched upon several times throughout the season but is not overdone, most of the season is spent reflecting on the past, looking to the future of how Clark would become the hero he knew he could be. This season was a fantastic finish to the smallville journey and it is darksied in the body of Lionel that finally pushes Clark to fulfill his potential and enables him to fly, with the planet crashing into earth and everyone’s weakness having been exploited by the evil spirit, Clark finally becomes superman, flies up and saves the earth. While the final save is fixed fairly simply, it was the journey that was important.
It would have been nice to have seen Pete ross back for one more time and Lana, they could have cured her of the Kryptonite nanites so she could have been at the wedding. She was his first love and it would have been fitting in my book to have her return.
One scene that never did come about but I would have seen was to have the JSA team and clark and his heros, aquaman, pulse, green arrow, canary etc all tackle a mission together.
This season did not quite play out as I would have imagined but it turned out in my book with full marks and a very fitting end to a great series. To quote jonathan Kent, “remember you will always have smallville”.
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