Girl Friday

As the seasons are progressing on the show, chloe has moved from smalleville to the big city and even though the writers would try to convince you that Chloe was like a "fish out of water" living in a small town and is much more at home in the big city, well I am not convinced, for one thing, her character is "to the girl next door" to be a city girl. I might me generalizing here but city girls are no way as friendly and "down to earth" as girls from towns or the country. so that part of her character does not add up.
But as I was saying Chloe is now in the city and this has changed her role has side kick to Clark, before she provided on site assistance as well as the technical back up that clark required to do his hero bit. Now with chloe working at the Daily planet the writers seem to be limited. Her only input into the plot is to search databases at work. when she has a result, then clark is out of there, sort of like "wham, bham, thank you mham". I think the writers have boxed themselves into a corner with her character and if Allison Mack and the writers want to continue (which i hope they do) with Chloe then they will have to go back to the drawing board and change her plot direction somewhat if they want to increase her usefullness to the plot lines and help prevent her from becoming a stop and go information centre for Clark.
In the earlier shows it was interesting to see her relationship with Clark and how she secretly is in love with him. The writers have brushed this aside. If I were Allison then I would be worried, As an actor it is not very challenging to real off a few lines of information, the challenge is conveying emotion and from the last few shows Chloe has not had the material to act her best and show the audiance what she can really do. so to sum it up the writers better get there act together, Give Allison better scripts or else the bunny gets it.
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